The Ultimate Personal Growth And Performance System

Your personal story holds the key to freeing you from your struggles and the stress caused by life's challenges and circumstances.

Introducing a breakthrough approach to self-leadership that empowers you to live freely, perform at your best and maximize your potential in every area of your life. 


When you choose to make The Leadership Commitment, investing your time, effort, and energy is essential. What sets this system apart is that it becomes a living, breathing pathway created by you that provides lasting value .

This is a transformative system designed to unlock your full potential. And I am excited to say that you are about to embark on an exciting journey of living your greatness.

I'm Interested

"The Leadership Commitment provided me the framework to do the deep soul searching work I needed to discover what is holding me back. Armed with that knowledge I've been able to step into my full self and begin to work on the leader I'm called to be."

"The Leadership Commitment made me look at myself in a different light and really gave me a perspective that I've never thought about. The tools have guided me on the process of starting to better myself.  Brad's authenticity and enthusiasm is contagious."

Brad Dempsey

Hello, I'm Brad Dempsey - a teacher, coach, speaker, author, and founder of The Leadership Commitment.

The Leadership Commitment has emerged from 27 years of relentless searching for answers, driven by my personal struggles with chronic pain, fatigue, depression and the pursuit of true self-leadership.

At 13, I suffered a traumatic brain injury that launched me into a life filled with challenges, uncertainties and obstacles that kept me in a constant state of struggle. Over time, the fatigue and pain have worsened, and the depression, well, has become a constant companion. A companion I have had to learn to cope with, a companion that I let take me through so many dark moments where I wanted to end my life.

For years, I have searched for answers, caught in a vicious cycle of external solutions while trying to understand who I really am.

Throughout my teenage years and early twenties, I was in and out of doctor’s offices, hospitals and therapy sessions - seeing counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. I was prescribed high doses of medications, only to need more to handle their side effects. I felt trapped - emotionally numb, constantly sad, angry, and spiraling.

Then, at 22, after years of searching for help my mother, Alice, introduced me to a woman who saved my life through faith and nutrition. Her name is Elaine Busse. Today, at 100 years old, Elaine has reviewed and approved this very system I developed for you, built on the foundational principles that saved me.

I have learned that each of us has a unique story, not meant for comparison, but for sharing, in order to bring us together in community for the greater good.

It is remarkable how certain people enter our lives, or how specific circumstances plant seeds within us, seeds that take time to grow, often with us growing impatient and frustrated. Some seeds, though, are planted in a negative way by people making bad decisions or by experiencing challenging circumstances, and those can take even longer to work through. The type that require us to learn to confront the challenges head-on rather than burying or running from them. 

Fortunately for me when Elaine came into my life, she planted a seed that helped me feel better than I had since before my accident. But it didn’t “fix” me. It didn’t erase the challenges, pain, or suffering from the past or that would come in the future. And it certainly didn’t make me change my ways overnight.

What her impact did do, though, was prepare me for a long journey of gaining a deeper understanding of how to lead myself and serve others.

It was followed by a stage of life where I had the privilege of teaching and coaching young people, from kindergarten to college seniors. Walking alongside these young people and their families, I witnessed some face unimaginable circumstances. During this time, I was also facing my own set of challenges and was not equipped to handle it all, which sometimes resulted in failing those I loved and myself.

I spent years asking myself, “Why me?” Even though I had learned that everyone faces adversity it was hard to avoid that question. A question that often clings to adversity.

Three years after meeting Elaine, I lost my mother, someone I never would have survived without. She passed away on that very ranch in Colorado where my life had been changed. A few months later, I developed an infection that left me legally blind in my right eye. 

Life didn’t stop when I finally started to get things right and it won’t for you either.

Three times I attempted to create something like The Leadership Commitment and walked away, but through focus, discipline, and making major lifestyle changes, I am finally bringing this life-giving system to you.

You and I were both made to live out the greatness within us. The journey is long, hard, and won’t end until your last breath. But what you do between now and then matters. You matter. 

Life is not about reaching a destination or milestone; it is about how you approach each step along the way. It is about living with purpose, enjoying the process, and serving others. 

To truly serve others, you must first commit to leading yourself and there are layers to self-leadership. That is why The Leadership Commitment exists.

After years of investing nearly every penny I have into this system, I sought to answer one question:

How can I create something that inspires you to make an affordable financial commitment and invest your time, effort, and energy into your personal growth without me promising you a quick fix?

That is what I’ve set out to do. And the truth is, this is not for everyone. It is for those who understand that life is a marathon, not a sprint, and that progress is made through small steps at a steady pace.

It is for those who realize that a small investment today could save them thousands in the future, while also setting them up for even greater rewards.

This system goes beneath the surface and teaches you to live from the inside out. It is the system I live by, and one that I know will help you create your own path to living your greatness. A path where you learn to find joy and fulfillment, regardless of your circumstances. The Leadership Commitment works.

There is only one question left to ask:

Are you ready to make The Leadership Commitment?


A powerful framework that promotes complete health and wellness while enhancing performance in all areas of your life. By establishing a strong foundation of self-leadership and personal growth, this system equips you to overcome challenges and unlock your true potential in order to achieve lasting fulfillment.

The Leadership Commitment is built to guide you toward:


Deep Self-Exploration:

Engage in a journey of self-discovery, using visual tools and a unique perspective for deeper insights about your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.

Thought Management Mastery:

Learn to manage your thoughts effectively, gaining clarity on how they influence your feelings and actions without being told what to do.

A Perspective Shift:

Develop the ability to shift your perspective on challenges and opportunities, enhancing your decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Creative Problem-Solving:

Cultivate creativity by learning how to simplify complex problems, leading to productive solutions in your life.

Dynamic Adaptability:

Enhance your capacity to change speed and direction in life, becoming more resilient and responsive to navigating challenges and circumstances.

Versatile Flexibility:

Gain tools to become more flexible in your thinking and actions, allowing you to adjust your approach based on the situation.

Priority Alignment:

Learn how to prioritize time, energy, and effort effectively, fostering healthier relationships with yourself, others, and your responsibilities.

Relationship Enhancement:

Improve the quality of your relationships by understanding how your thoughts and behaviors drive your true priorities.

Energy Management:

Learn to manage your energy levels effectively, allowing you to engage more fully in activities that matter to you.

Habits and Systems Development: 

Use the framework to build simple, effective systems that align with your goals, helping you stay organized and focused in your daily life.

Balance in Life:

Discover strategies for balancing various aspects of your life, from work and relationships to hobbies and self-care, working towards complete health and wellness.

Intuitive Decision-Making:

Strengthen your intuition through a deeper understanding of you, your thoughts, and your feelings, leading to more confident and aligned choices.

Personal Empowerment: 

Build a strong sense of responsibility and ownership over your life, empowering you to pursue your passions and goals with conviction.

Simplified Living:

Embrace a mindset of simplicity that encourages you to let go of unnecessary complications, focusing on what truly matters.

A Continuous Growth Framework:

Establish a lifelong framework for growth and learning, ensuring that personal development remains a central theme in your life.

The Leadership Commitment has 3 powerful systems:



The Self-Awareness System focuses on helping you gain a deeper understanding of the unseen: your thoughts and beliefs that drive your emotions and behaviors. Through engaging content and reflective practices, you will learn a unique perspective on how your internal landscape influences your external experiences and vice versa.  Self-Awareness is a skill that will positively impact your life when practiced with effectiveness and is the critical foundation of personal growth.


The Self-Leadership System empowers you to take control of your life by building essential leadership skills within yourself. This system provides a unique set of tools that allows you to build a simple and effective framework to take on your struggles and challenges with confidence and clarity. By building a sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility, this system encourages you to lead yourself toward your goals, aspirations, and dream. Self-Leadership is the work you put into yourself to live a productive and fulfilling life. It is a critical, ever-evolving framework that requires constant care and attention.


The Servant Leadership System emphasizes the importance of serving others while leading effectively. You will learn to adopt a mindset that prioritizes the growth and well-being of those around you, whether in personal relationships or professional settings. This system cultivates empathy, active listening, and collaborative problem-solving skills, encouraging individuals to inspire and support others on their journeys. By embodying the principles of servant leadership, you will enhance your impact and create a positive ripple effect in every are you serve. True Servant-Leadership is built on the foundation of Self-Awareness and the framework of Self-Leadership. The Power of 3 Systems.

This is for you if:

  • You seek deeper self-awareness: You want to explore your thoughts and beliefs to gain a clearer understanding of yourself, your capabilities.
  • You are ready to take complete charge of your life: You are willing to commit to personal growth and willing to invest time, effort, and energy into developing your self-leadership skills.
  • You are open to a unique perspective: You believe it takes work to train yourself in achieving complete health and wellness.
  • You desire practical tools for everyday life: You are looking for actionable strategies that can be applied to enhance your performance in all areas of your life.
  • You value creative problem-solving: You want to cultivate creativity and flexibility to navigate challenges and simplify complex situations.
  • You wish to improve your relationships: You aim to enhance your connections with others by understanding how your thoughts and actions influence those dynamics.
  • You are open to new change: You are willing to challenge your current beliefs and embrace putting in the work to live your greatness.


This is NOT for you if:

  • You prefer quick fixes: You are looking for a fast solution without investing the time, effort, and energy required for meaningful change.
  • You are resistant to self-exploration: You are uncomfortable diving deep into your thoughts and emotions to understand yourself better.
  • You want someone to tell you what to do: You prefer a prescriptive approach rather than a guided journey that empowers you to discover your own pathway.
  • You are not open to a unique perspective: You are not interested in addressing the what it takes to achieve complete health and wellness.
  • You are not ready to commit: You are unwilling to dedicate the necessary time, effort, and energy to engage fully with the system and its teachings.
  • You prefer traditional coaching methods: You are looking for a conventional approach that may not emphasize creativity, dynamic adaptability and versatility.

How much time will this take me?

The Leadership Commitment has been designed with your time in mind. Unlike some programs that overwhelm you with hours of content, this system is intentionally focused on being both effective and efficient. Every element is thoughtfully crafted to keep you engaged and to ensure you are actively learning something valuable. There are no fillers and wasted time.

I highly encourage you to go though this system up to seven times or more, and consistently refer back to it as you develop your own systems.

What's the value of The Leadership Commitment?

My experience spans 20 years of teaching, coaching, and mentoring individuals from all walks of life, driven by love and a deep passion for helping people maximize their potential.

Over time, I have personally invested over $250,000 in developing The Leadership Commitment. My discovery has been that there is a massive benefit to laying a strong foundation and having a sense of purpose before moving forward with coaching, therapy, counseling, or other avenues of personal growth. 

In a world where high-ticket coaching programs and the complexities of navigating insurance costs can create stress, having clarity is essential. The Leadership Commitment reduces the uncertainty, by guiding you to a clear sense of direction, allowing you to confidently invest in yourself and get real value in return. That is if you are willing to put in the work.

The Leadership Commitment is an invaluable framework that lays the foundation for personal growth and lasting change. It truly is life-changing, life-giving, and built to strengthen every aspect of your life. And the best part? It is affordable, offering unmatched value for a system designed to guide you for a lifetime.

And that's why you can get the entire system for just $397

I'm Interested

“Brad Dempsey gave me the faith to pursue a dream that became a reality eight months later. I am forever thankful to know him and call him a friend. Brad's vision will inspire you, his passion will ignite you, and with his help you will accomplish things that seemed impossible.”

“Simply put, Brad Dempsey is an incredible man. His genuineness, willingness to help others and drive cannot be matched. He has instilled confidence in me that has allowed me to reach goals I never could have imagined. He always thinks of others and always makes sure his hard work benefits the greater good”

Completely risk free:

I have packed everything I currently have into The Leadership Commitment because I want you to have the fundamentals to live with a strong established foundation for your complete health and wellness.

And to make this a no-brainer for you I'm giving you a 300day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of The Leadership Commitment today.

Also - If you sign up for The Leadership Commitment as a pre-launch Trailblazer you'll receive exclusive bonuses. 

Trailblazer Bonuses:

One-on-One Session (Value $250):

As a Trailblazer you will receive a one-on-one session with me once you have completed the system.

Trailblazer Mastermind (Value $1,500):

As a Trailblazer you will be a part of a 6-month foundational Mastermind of F3 men with The Leadership Commitment as our guide. The Mastermind will take place in the Trailblazer Community within The Leadership Commitment App and consist of interactions including but not limited to: support, accountability and live Zoom sessions.

Trailblazer Partnership (Unlimited Value):

As a Trailblazer you will receive an affiliate partner link once The Leadership Commitment launches to the public. You will receive a 10% referral for every person who makes the commitment with your link (even when the system goes to full price). In addition if you introduce me to a company who signs on to bring in The Leadership Commitment to their people you will receive 10% of the deal. 

“My life has forever been impacted by Brad Dempsey. The compassion, understanding, and support he showed during the most difficult time of my life motivated me to keep fighting and believe that I have what it takes to succeed in all I do. A phrase he often said was, “Have faith in the process,” and this continues to be helpful for me in all aspects of my life.  He helped me realize just how powerful I am, and that believing in myself, trusting others, and asking for help is the most courageous thing you can do.”

Entry Level


The Foundation

1 Payment

  • Self-Awareness System 

For those who need to see before they start believing. It all starts with one small step!!!

Full Commitment


The Power of 3 Systems

1 Payment

  • Self-Awareness System
  • Self-Leadership System
  • Servant-Leadership System
  • One-on-One Session
  • 6 Month Trailblazer Mastermind
  • Trailblazer Partnership

Full Commitment


The Power of 3 Systems

2 Payments

  • Self-Awareness System
  • Self-Leadership System
  • Servant-Leadership System
  • One-on-One Session
  • 6 Month Trailblazer Mastermind
  • Trailblazer Partnership
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